User manual

Omniva Widget allows to display country based lists of:

Widget allows to display the data in detailed and as well as compact views.
If needed Omniva logo can be added.

In to HTML <head> tag the below shown line has to be entered according to the country:


<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>


<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>


<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>

Omniva widget default CSS can be used. The following code should be added to head tag:


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

Detailed widget

Omniva detailed widget allows to display parcel machines and/or post office locations and additional information about the city, address and opening hours.
To use the widget below the following HTML element and JavaScript has to be entered into HTML body, under the transportation form:

<!-- container ID consist of "omniva_container" name with exact config id -->
<div id="omniva_container1"></div>

var wd1 = new OmnivaWidget({

    compact_mode: false,	// Compact widget is not shown
// If enabled only a dropdown with locations will be shown show_offices: true, // Post offices will be shown
// If disabled post offices will not be shown in the dropdown show_machines: true, // Parcel machines will be shown
// If disabled parcel machines will not be shown in the dropdown custom_html: false, // Predefined HTML is activated
// It is allowed to create a custom HTML // It will be included in the container id: 1, // Will be added to the unique element ids if
// there is a need to have more than one widget selection_value: 'tallinna postkontor', // Preselected value. (case insensitive, will be trimmed) Can be empty or entirely omitted. Optional country_id: 'EE', // Country code show_logo: true, // Omniva logo will be shown show_explanation: true // Explanation text will be shown }); </script>


Omniva widget default CSS can be used. The following code should be added to head tag:

css: {					
    select: 'ow_select',
    input: 'ow_input',
    div: 'ow_div',
    td: 'ow_td',
    tr: 'ow_tr',
    table: 'ow_table',
    p: 'ow_p'

Compact widget

Omniva compact widget allows to display the location of parcel machines, post offices or both.
To use the widget below the following HTML element and JavaScript has to be entered into HTML body, under the transportation form:

<!-- container ID consist of "omniva_container" name with exact config id  -->
<div id="omniva_container2"></div>

var wd2 = new OmnivaWidget({

    compact_mode: true,		// Compact widget is not shown
// If enabled only a dropdown with locations will be shown show_offices: false, // Post offices will be shown
// If disabled post offices will not be shown in the dropdown custom_html: false, // Predefined HTML is activated
// It is allowed to create a custom HTML // It will be included in the container id: 2, // Will be added to the unique element ids if
// there is a need to have more than one widget selection_value: '' // Preselected value. (case insensitive, will be trimmed) Can be empty or entirely omitted. Optional }); </script>

Custom HTML

Its possible to use custom HTML code insteade of a generated one.

The following widget parameter should be changed to activate custom mode:

custom_html: true

FORM ID parameters:

omniva_select1 //locations
omniva_selection_value1 //location selection textual value - hidden field
omniva_city1 //city
omniva_address1 //adress
omniva_open_hours1 //opening hours
omniva_description1 //description