Use e-service
Instructional guides for using our private and business client e-service platforms.
E-service for private customer
Set or change your preferred delivery location in private customer e-service
Change my phone number in private customer e-service account settings
Do I need to register or sign in to private customer e-service to register parcels?
How to change my name in private customers e-service?
How does the preferred delivery location work for private customer?
Set or change your preferred delivery location in private customer e-service
Set or change your preferred delivery location in private customer e-service
How does the preferred delivery location work for private customer?
How does the preferred delivery location work?
Do I need to register or sign in to private customer e-service to register parcels?
Do I need to register or sign in to private customer e-service to register parcels?
How to change my name in private customer e-service?
How to change my name in private customer e-service?
How can I delete my data from the private customer e-service?
E-service for business client
How to get a shipments list and print address cards in the business client e-service?
I forgot my password for the business client e-service
Address is not displayed in the business client e-service
How to download invoices in the business client e-service?
My business client e-service account is blocked
How to add additional services to a shipment in the business client e-service?
Business client wants to change parcel details
I cannot download the address card in the business client e-service
How to register customer shipments to a Picapac parcel machine in the business client e-service?
How to add a Picapac parcel machine to my parcel machine list for business client?
How to order a regular courier pickup for business client?
Where to find the courier pickup order number in the business client e-service?
How to check or change credit limit in the business client e-service?
How to access business client e-service?
I forgot my password for the business client e-service
I forgot my password for the business client e-service