Information on postal code changes in Tallinn and Pärnu



From 1 October 2020, some ZIP codes in Tallinn and Pärnu cities will change. Here we have gathered the answers to the questions related to this change.

Who is affected by this change?
When changing and updating some of the ZIP codes in Tallinn and Pärnu cities, we adhere to the modern city plan and post office locations. Thus, the change concerns certain citizens of Tallinn and Pärnu.

Which ZIP codes change?
In Tallinn, certain ZIP codes will change in all districts. In Pärnu, ZIP codes of some addresses located on Kodara, Savi, Supeluse and Villa streets will change. 

Why is this change necessary?
New ZIP codes valid from 1 October are based on the modern city plan and post office locations. At the moment, the problem is that since shipments are distributed between post offices based on ZIP codes, it often happens that letters and parcels end up at an inconveniently distant post office. The change enforced in October will ensure that the ZIP codes match the post office locations and in the future, clients can use the post office closest to them for all post-related operations.

When will the new postal code become valid?
The new ZIP codes are enforced from 1 October 2020.

When will I receive a notification?
Notifications on the postal code change will reach the addressees at the latest by 7 August 2020.

What will change for me? 
In the future, you will receive your parcel and letter shipments from the post office nearest to you. We have identified the nearest post office based on the distance between your address and the post office using public roads. This change allows us to provide a postal service that meets the needs of you and other citizens.

We ask that you inform all the institutions and people who send shipments to your address of the new postal code.

The following persons/institutions should be informed of your new postal code:

  • those from which you order newspapers or magazines*;
  • those from which you make e-purchases and orders (e.g. AliExpress and PayPal);
  • those who send you paper invoices;
  • those who send you addressed advertisements (e.g. Kaubamaja);
  • those who send you letters, post cards and parcels.


*If you have subscribed to periodicals from mailman, post office or using, then informing of the postal code change is not necessary.

As a business client, it is highly important that you update the zip code information in your databases that include address information.

What happens if the old postal code is used?
We will notify you ahead of time to make sure that you have enough time in August and September to inform all the institutions and people who send shipments to your address of the new postal code. The correct postal code on letters and parcels ensures that the shipment will reach you on time. If a letter addressed to you after 1 October has the old postal code, Eesti Post unfortunately cannot ensure that it will reach your post box in time. If a parcel sent to you after 1 October has your old postal code, it will be issued to you from the former post office of your place of residence, which may not be the closest to you.

What is my new postal code and which post office will serve me from 1 October 2020?
We have divided the postal code change information by district to make it easier to find the relevant information. Zip code changes are presented by address.

To company: How can I update the databases that include the addresses relevant to my business by 1 October?

Due to this change, we ask companies to update the databases that include addresses relevant to their business by 1 October. This will ensure that the databases have the correct information and that shipments (letters, direct mail, parcels) will continue to reach clients quickly and at the correct address.

To make updating more convenient, we have published a XLS file with the information on the buildings with new postal codes.

The file displays the following elements:

  • addresses of buildings that will have new postal codes (column B)
  • postal codes valid until 30 September (column C)
  • new postal codes valid from 1 October (column D)
  • additionally, the addresses are displayed as separate address components (columns E-Y)

The last column in the file (Z) displays the total number of building parts. If the total number of building parts is more than one, keep in mind that in the case of buildings consisting of multiple parts (e.g. semi-detached houses, apartments, business centres), the postal code must be updated for the addresses of all parts of the building.


We can also help you organise the address databases by providing automatic database organisation. This means we will update the postal codes to make sure the changes enforced on 1 October are met. During automated organisation, we can change the postal codes of currently valid addresses. We will then return the database to you and highlight the correct addresses with updated postal codes and the problematic addresses the automated check could not identify.

  • Automated organisation of a database with up to 20,000 entries costs €100.
  • Automated organisation of a database with 20,001-40,000 entries costs €200.
  • The price for organising a database with more than 40,000 entries is agreed separately.

The offer is valid until 31 December 2020 and VAT will be added to the prices. Request more information from your account manager or contact the business client service at [email protected].


Additional information

If you have any questions about the postal code changes, contact customer service. As a private client, you can request information about the postal code changes from the information line; as a business client, your account manager or postal business corporate client service will answer your questions.


Open from 28 July to 5 October 
Mon-Fri 10:00-17:00
Sat 10:00-13:00
664 3614


Mon-Thurs 08:00-17:00
Fri 08:00-15:45
664 3673
[email protected]

Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616