Paid delivery

If you wish, you can request a paid delivery of a package, letter or money card to your home or office. Paid delivery can also be used for courier packages that have failed to reach their destination.

Redirecting the delivery to your nearest post office is free.
  Price without VAT EUR Price with VAT EUR
Total weight up to 2 kg 0.83 1.00
2–30 kg 1.67 2.00
Total weight up to 30 kg and large courier packages (max length 3 m x width 1.7 m x height 1.8 m) 4.17 5.00
Money cards, price per item 3.99 4.79

To request a delivery, please contact us using the contact details on the delivery note or contact our client service centre by e-mailing [email protected], or phoning 661 6616.

Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616