Sending a letter

  • Letter and Express letter – suitable for sending invitations, postcards, documents and other papers, cannot be used for sending objects. Weight up to 250 g, max. 40 pages.
  • Maxi letter and Express maxi letter – suitable for sending larger papers and smaller objects such as photos, study materials and smaller gifts. Weight up to 2000 g, max. 160 pages.
  • Registered letter – different from a standard letter because it is trackable and we will deliver the letter personally when signed for. Registered mail can be insured.
  • Registered maxi letter – different from a maxi letter because we will deliver the letter personally when signed for. The shipment can be tracked and content can be insured. You can add cash on delivery service meaning that the letter addressee will pay the mail carrier for the product, or notice of delivery, which means we will inform you once the letter is delivered to the addressee.
  Letter Express letter Registered letter Maxi letter Express maxi letter Maxi letter registered
Price 1.30 € 2.30 € 6.00 € 2.30–5.95 €
(depending on weight)
3.25–6.90 €
(depending on weight)
6.30–8.70 €
(depending on weight)
Sending items      
Cash on delivery        
Notice of delivery        
Personal delivery        

Letter(incl. registered)
Min. measurements: 90 x 140 mm
Max. measurements: 229 x 324 x 5 mm

Maxi letter (incl. registered)
Min. measurements 90 x 140 mm or when rolled up the sum of twice the diameter totalling 170 mm and the longest dimension 100 mm
Max. measurements: 230 x 330 x 20 mm

Letter, i.e. standard letters and maxi letters sent as letters, which have been handed over stamped will reach the addressee’s mailbox in if the letter was mailed via a mailbox or post office before the last emptying.
Express letter, i.e. standard letters and maxi letters sent as letters, which are handed over in an orange envelope with Plussmark printed on it will reach the addressee’s mailbox the following day (except Sunday) if the express letter was mailed via a mailbox or post office before the last emptying.
Registered letter is delivered to the addressee within 3 business days and if the delivery fails, we will leave a notice and the letter can be retrieved from the post office within 15 calendar days.

You can send letters from the post office or by mailing them via a mailbox. Maxi letters and registered mail can be mailed from a post office.
Express letters can be mailed from a post office or by mailing them via a mailbox. Express maxi letters can be mailed from a post office.

We wish to remind you that you need to stick postage stamps with the required denominations to envelopes of express letters purchased by the client before 10 May 2023 so they could be used later and to ensure they are not returned from delivery.

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Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616