How to digitize data?

Digitize all your paper documents. To treat and manage your data easier, we identify necessary data from both paper and electronic documents and put them in a digitize form.
Advantages of digitized documents
  • Necessary documents only a few clicks away – data is easy to submit and analyze
  • Data and documents are stored for a long time and safely
  • Save room
  • Documents in the system are easy to manage and organize
How we digitize your documents?
  • Collect your documents
  • Identify the data and create records
  • Make digitized documents easy to access
  • According to your wishes, return or eliminate paper documents

According to your wishes and opportunities you could choose physical or electronic channels to submit and deliver the documents. Fill the form and receive a personal solution.
Safety and confidentiality

Confidentiality of your data are essential to us and in order to ensure it, we introduce strict security measures. The establishment where the process takes place meets the requirements of the IT baseline security system (ISKE), which has been developed by Estonian Information System’s Authority.
What should be digitized?
Daily letters sent to the company
Digitize letter exchange and therefore avoid operations related to paper management. We make your letters digitally available. These letters includes contracts, applications, invoices and other documents. 

If the major part of the documents includes invoices, we suggest using confirmation invoice solution.  
Archive of paper documents
Order a one-time digitization of paper documents, eliminate costs of maintaining the archive of documents and decrease the risk of duplicating electronic documents.
Form, membership application, order coupons, tachograph data
Avoid the tedious and laborious data identifying from paper, and order the service from us. For example, when submitting mail order sales and utility bills, we identify data and transfer them directly to your info system if needed. It is useful to use this service with a paid answer service.

Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616