How to manage your data?

Organize and manage your database with our help. We will help you create and manage high-quality databases, which could be one of the most important part of an organization.
Assessing the adress base

Get an exact overview of your address base and order your quality rating from us.
  • We will give a percentage overview of how much correct addresses are in your address base and how considerable is the amount of non-correct and improper to post.
  • We will bring out the quality rate, which we are able to guarantee through the service of managing the address base.
  • We will bring out standard mistakes with examples

To receive the assessment send your address base to a customer manager, assessing the address base is free of charge.
Managing the address base

Avoid incorrect posts and manage post addresses in your data base. We conduct post addresses to a single standard and make managing the data easier.

Our goals:
  • Discard incorrcet addresses
  • Check data both manually and automatically
  • Add missing yet important components to the addresses
  • Check the correctness of houses and apartments addresses
  • Return you the corrected addresses as well as the incorrect ones, which we were enable to identify

  • Addresses shall be corrected for sending shipments, because we compare your database with realistically existing addresses. The number of shipments not reaching to recipients shall decrease.
Selling the data

Expand your customer base and reach more people through our organized data base. Data base is organized from Estonian companies’ data. You shall receive high-quality data, the addresses of which are managed, organized and ready to post.
Services of address components
Enquiries by components
Avoid mistakes resulting from entering the data manually and establish the module for entering address components. This way you can be certain that addresses are entered properly. Service operates automatically changing the data as a web service.
Enquiries as a free text
It is possible to check the correctness of specific post address with a single address enquiry. Enquiries can be performed on the base of address components and free text.

  • Enter address data five times faster than typing manually
  • Addresses are with a single standard and include all compulsory address components
  • Less mistakes when submitting and entering addresses
  • If the address is identified, we automatically add missing parts of the address
  • Costs for correcting the addresses shall decrease
Data output

Eliminate double data with our help. Double data shall occur in the data base, especially when data is entered by numerous users and data are in different systems. Data base could include both necessary and unnecessary copies. According to the specifications of your data and establishing data bases, we identify unnecessary double data.

Double data output
  • Based on address data
  • Based on a personal identification code
  • Based on a name
  • Based on a registry code of a company
Selling postal codes

Provide addresses with correct postal codes. Purchase single postal code data base and address components as Estonian administrative and settlement division (EHAK) codes. If new addresses are added, you could order up-dates with suitable interval.
More information about address services from your customer manager or form shown below.  

Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616