Services we mediate

Offer your products in our post offices – this way you can use Estonian largest private customer network. In the retail network of Eesti Post, there are over 260 post offices. Through us you can offer your products and services everywhere throughout Estonia and reach also to the customers who do not use the internet.

In addition to our post services, we mediate different contracts to financial institutions, help to meet statutory requirements, make on your behalf identification verification and accept payments. We also constantly improve our range of goods with new products.
Our cooperation partners are:

SEB Pank, Bigbank, Ridango, Haigekassa, Eesti Telekom, Tele2, Elisa, Global Card, Tallinn Card and Eesti Loto.

Contact us about co-operation opportunities and let's figure out business solutions that work best for you!

Divert your clients to make payments to our post office and you can focuse on your main principal activity. We accept payments through post offices both to legal and private person.

Enter into a agreement with us and we agree upon suitable terms and conditions to pay fee for your accepting payments service:
  • Service charge could be paid in the whole by the recipient – in that case the service is free of charge to the recipient
  • Service charge could me divided between the recipient of the payment and the accountholder
  • Service charge could be paid in the whole the accountholder


Give us an authorization that the user data is the same as the data you have transferred to us. In this way you will reduce the risk of fraud. Identity verification is required by the law when signing different contracts and issuing documents.

Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616