How to order press publications?

Through us you can order publications published in Estonia to your home.

How to order periodicals?

What publications are available for ordering?

With our help you can order variety of magazines and newspapers.
Price of orders

Formalize your order in the post office or ask help with our mailman. Price of publications depends on the publication and order periods.

Some publications include discounts for pensioners, undergraduates, students and teachers. To receive a discount, show a personal identification document to a mailman or postal worker.
  1. How to place an order in the post office?
    Ordering from the post office, you can introduce with publications and ask advice from the attendant. Ordered publication will be delivered to your mailbox 5 work days after the invoice is paid. Payment for the publication can be made with cash or by credit card.
  2. How to order publications from the mailman?
    If the nearest post office is further than 5 km, it is possible to place an order to the mailman at home. Mailman delivers you a catlogue with all publications to order and offers advice. Place an order without leaving home and make the payment in cash. Mailman’s visit is free of charge.
Good to know
  • You can order newspapers and magazines for gifts to other. The data of subscriber and recipient, can be different.
  • To receive a discount, show a document prooving the discount.

For how long it is possible to order periodicals?

Periodicls are available for ordering different periods. The minimum ordering period could be for example 6 or 12 months. Publication shall fix the ordering period.

Ordering period begins usually from the first day of the calendar month. You can choose from which calendar month publication will be delivered to you.

Daily/ weekly periodicals
  • If you place and order before Thursday, the order will enter into force from the following Monday
  • If you place and order after Thursday, the order will enter into force the following week after the next

Periodicals published less than once a week
  • If you place and order before the 15th, the order will enter into force starting from the following month. With numerous periodicals you can place an order until the 20th
  • If you place and order depending on the publication in the 15th or in the 20th, the order will enter into force the following month after the next

It is possible to order many periodicals only for a year. If the end of the ordering period stays in the following year, we might ask you to shorten the period in the end of the current year.

Ask more information about the time when ordered publication will be delivered to your mailbox from post office or mail man.

How to change your order?

It is possible to readdress, stop or cancel the order by submitting an application in the post office. Changing the order is 1 euro.
  • Readdressing
    Directing the order to another address or to other recipient during the ordering period
  • Stopping
    Stopping the order for three months. The final date of the order will be delayed.
  • Cancelling
    Cancelling the publication from the required date. Prepayment for this time is refundable.

Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616