Organising the data base

Organise and manage your data base with our help. We help you to create and manage high-qulity databases, which can be one of the most essential asset of the company. We organise your address base, eliminate duplications, look over postal codes, corrigate them according to the requirements of the post and take them to one standard.

Organising data bases includes increasing data structure, organising addresses and eliminating dulpications – order the together or seperately.

  • Raise components included in the addresses to a right structure
  • Eliminate incorrect addresses
  • Chack manually and automatically
  • Add missing components to addresses
  • Check the existance of addresses with the accuracy of houses and apartments
  • Return you incorrect addresses

  • Your data will be accurate enugh to post, because we compare your database to existing addresses
  • The amount of lost shipments decrease
  • The opportunity for additional income increases due to the fact that shipments will be dlivered to greater amount of people
  • With the help of correct and right structured data base, it is possible to analyze your clients consuming needs and assess the results
  • Use corrected data base to focuse more on your target groups and conform messages that draw more attention.

Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616