Sending a parcel?

To use your business customer privileges and additional services, register your parcel on our e-service before sending. After registering the parcel, print out the address card and attach it to the parcel.

When registering a parcel at the parcel terminal, private customer prices and conditions apply. For example, you won't be able to use one locker for multiple parcels or choose from additional services available to business customers only.
  • If you wish, you have possibility to review the screen views of the parcel machine prior to sending out or picking up your parcel.
After registering your parcel on our e-service, take it to the nearest parcel terminal and send it. As a business customer you can use one locker for multiple parcels.
  • Choose „Send a parcel“ from the options on the screen.
  • Choose „I registred the parcel in the e-service“ form the options on the screen.
  • Enter the received parcel code or scan in the barcode on the address card.
  • Pick a suitable locker.
  • Print an address card if necessary.
  • Insert the parcel into the locker and close the door. Delivery is confirmed when the door is closed.

Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616