How to send a parcel to another country?

Dimensions of parcel depend on, which country you wish to send the parcel to. Answer a few simple questions and choose your suitable delivery method.

International shipments to Russia and Belarus are subject to longer delays. The delays are related to the more thorough checks that Latvia as a transit country carries out on shipments containing items.

In the case of shipments containing items, the checks include the admissibility of the content of the shipment as indicated on the customs declaration and the conformity of the content with the HS commodity code.

The content of shipments to Russia and Belarus is subject to additional restrictions based on the sanctions imposed by the European Union. Information on sanctions is available on the website of the Tax and Customs Board: From Estonia to a third country | Estonian Tax and Customs Board (

Information on Harmonised System (HS) commodity codes is available on the website of the Estonian Tax and Customs Board (in Estonian).

Shipments containing prohibited items and shipments for which the customer has indicated a HS code that does not correspond to the content of the shipment on the customs declaration will be returned to the sender.
Which country you wish to send your parcel?
  • Baltic states
  • European Union
  • Other
What are the dimensions of parcels you wish to send?
  • S-L
  • XL
  • Bigger than XL
How much does the parcel weigh?
  • Up to 20kg
  • 20-30 kg
  • over 30kg

Pallasti 28, 10001 Tallinn, e-mail: [email protected] Customer information: 661 6616